usunięcie poduszek Bichata

U niektórych osób poduszki tłuszczowe zachowują jednak znaczną objętość nadając dolnej części twarzy pulchny i grubawy wygląd. Podsumowując, usunięcie poduszek Bichata zmniejszy objętości poduszek tłuszczowych w policzkach a w konsekwencji  spowoduje wyszczuplenie twarzy pomiędzy kością policzkową a żuchwą.



Though there are many options to reduce the signs of aging. But in many cases, the facelift is still the most effective choice for the facial rejuvenation. There are a variety of approaches available to customize the procedure for each patient. During your initial consultation with dr Zoń, you’ll discuss Read more…



Balance between artistry and medical science is an aesthetic surgeon with a passion for rhinoplasty. This procedure is also known as a “nose job”. Rhinoplasty is the most complex cosmetic surgery procedure. Dr Bartłomiej Zoń is expertly prepared for all noses, from simple cases through the most difficult, complicated and Read more…



cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery | dr Bartłomiej Zoń Plastic surgery includes surgical and nonsurgical procedures. The main goal is to enhance and reshape structures of the body to improve appearance and confidence. It is not life-saving medicine. Healthy individuals with a realistic expectation and a positive outlook are appropriate candidates Read more…